If you are a medical trainee with whom the following statements resonate, this program is for you...

Dr. Nina Ahuja's innovative Docs in Leadership Emerging Leaders Program:
From Stress to Success in Your Medical Education and Beyond

Dr. Nina Ahuja's innovative Docs in Leadership Emerging Leaders Program:
From Stress to Success in Your Medical Education
and Beyond

  • “Everyone around me is a high achiever. I'm not sure I'm good enough...”
  • "I'm really struggling but I don’t want to say anything. I don't want to lose opportunities…”
  • "I want to feel confident, stop second guessing and comparing myself with others…"
  • "I want to feel connected with fellow med students and residents and not feel alone…"
  • "I want to feel empowered, less overwhelmed and more in control..."
  • "I want to feel focused and get things done with a clear and uncluttered mind..."
  • "I want to make a difference and positively impact my patients and others around me…"
  • "I want to be the best healthcare provider and leader I can be..."
An ESSENTIAL program to help you manage stress, build resilience and develop your leadership skills...
  •  Understand your identity as an emerging physician
  • Learn unique strategies and tools to manage your stress effectively and maintain your own well-being
  • Develop skills to manage challenges and lead impactfully starting in med school and residency
  • Set yourself up for success in your career and life, as a healthcare provider and leader starting NOW
  • ​Asynchronous and synchronous learning
  • ​An online community of like-minded peers for networking and support



  • What to Expect in Your Medical Education from your transition in identity, to imposter syndrome, to hidden curriculum and other unique challenges you'll face


  • Managing Your Stress Effectively So You Can Thrive Everyday by increasing your self-awareness and learning key tools and strategies including Dr. Ahuja's ADMIT+3Rs framework  


  • Overcoming Common Obstacles from conflict in teams, to conflict with supervisors, to stress in high-stakes interactions including job and residency interviews


  • Your Key Leadership Fundamentals including emotional intelligence, leadership styles, team building and more

A Little Bit About 
Dr. Nina Ahuja...

The purpose of this program is to help medical trainees thrive in their medical education and beyond, by providing tools and strategies to manage stress effectively and leadership skills to empower and inspire them, all rooted in emotional intelligence.

Having struggled in med school herself, Dr. Ahuja understands the challenges and stresses of medical education - how to prepare for them, how to conquer them, and how to have a successful and fulfilling career. Her experiences and passion for teaching motivated her to create Docs in Leadership, an organization she founded in 2019 to deliver leadership and wellness curriculum to healthcare trainees and professionals, currently gaps in formal medical education. Dr. Ahuja's latest initiative, MindfulMed, is her online community offering a supportive learning and networking environment for medical trainees, healthcare professionals and faculty.

In practice since 2003, Dr. Ahuja is a surgeon, private-practice owner, award winning medical educator, national academic leader, bestselling author, certified health executive, certified emotional intelligence instructor, Founder and CEO of Docs in Leadership Inc., and creator and host of MindfulMed.

Dr. Ahuja's goal is to connect with medical trainees and colleagues to help them thrive, personally and professionally, transforming them into emotionally intelligent healthcare providers and leaders so they can feel fulfilled, and positively contribute to the profession while maintaining their well-being.

P R O G R A M    E L E M E N T S

Online Course Curriculum
  • Video lessons available on-demand to view at your own convenience and at your own pace
  • Structured content with application to real-life scenarios and worksheets for guided reflections
  • Practical strategies and tools to help you navigate stress and establish your foundation as an effective healthcare provider and leader
Join our MindfulMed online community with fellow medical trainees and develop friendships with your future colleagues
  • Share your experiences and explore ideas with fellow medical trainees at different stages of training
  • Connect with accountability partners to encourage and support one another as you progress through this program
  • Learn what's working (& not working) for fellow medical trainees as they navigate their own stresses and challenges
Access to monthly Group Q&A Sessions with Dr. Ahuja to have your questions answered LIVE and solidify your understanding
  • ​​Have a question about the curriculum, or facing a specific challenge? Join fellow medical trainees in MindfulMed on live Q&A sessions with Dr. Ahuja, to ask questions, deepen your understanding and develop your approach to navigating stress and overcoming challenges
  • Celebrate and share your progress. Enjoy the supportive community of like-minded students who are facing and conquering similar challenges 
  • Receive tailored support during live Q&A sessions. Dr. Ahuja's goal is to help you gain clarity and transform your stress into a valued resource that helps you thrive personally and professionally

P R O G R A M    E L E M E N T S

Online Course Curriculum
  • Video lessons to view at your own convenience and at your own pace
  • Structured content with application to real-life scenarios and worksheets for guided reflections
  • Practical strategies and tools to help you navigate stress and establish your foundation as an effective healthcare provider and leader
Join our MindfulMed online community with fellow medical trainees and develop friendships with your future colleagues
  • Share your experiences and explore ideas with fellow medical trainees at different stages of training
  • Connect with accountability partners to encourage and support one another as you progress through this program
  • Learn what's working (& not working) for fellow medical trainees as they navigate their own stresses and challenges
Access to monthly Group Q&A sessions with Dr. Ahuja to have your questions answered LIVE and solidify your understanding
  • Have a question about the curriculum, or facing a specific challenge? Join fellow medical trainees in MindfulMed on live Q&A calls with Dr. Ahuja, to ask questions, deepen your understanding and develop your approach to navigating stress and overcoming challenges
  • Celebrate your progress. Enjoy the supportive community of like-minded students who are facing and conquering similar challenges
  • ​Receive tailored support during live Q&A sessions. Dr. Ahuja's goal is to help you gain clarity and transform your stress into a valued resource that helps you thrive personally and professionally

A multi-dimensional program for your career and life, to help you maintain your wellness and excel

A multi-dimensional program for your career and life, to help you maintain your wellness and excel

A    F E W    S T U D E N T    T E S T I M O N I A L S    

A    F E W    S T U D E N T    
T E S T I M O N I A L S    

"A strength-building journey...

This Docs in Leadership program is unique in that it will not only challenge your perceptions about how you problem solve, communicate, and plan for life, but it provides you an opportunity to listen to others' experiences going through the program as well. This program covers all the bases that a young professional needs to navigate the journey through medicine. What was most useful for me was that the program does not seek to provide you with cookie cutter answers to life scenarios, rather it provides you with the tools to apply to your individualized problems. Dr. Ahuja's A.D.M.I.T. framework is a practical and easy to use tool to navigate life stressors and decision making. In a career that has so much uncertainty, the framework, and by extension the Docs in Leadership program, provides a step by step approach to conquering the unknown. Lastly, the group coaching sessions are incredibly valuable. Even as somebody who couldn't attend most of these sessions in real time, the benefit I received from watching the readily available recordings was incredible. It's so rare that we have access to the thoughts and ideas our colleagues have when navigating this career. While our journey in the program is individual, the group coaching sessions give a sense of collaboration and support that is so refreshing. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to find new ways to approach the difficult decisions, situations, and challenges found in this career. As an added bonus, this program extends beyond the career realm, and also empowers you to learn more about yourself!"

- Iman Lahouaoula, MD Class of 2024
University of British Columbia

"An empowering journey...

Before I started this program I felt like I did not have a framework for managing my stress. I had not taken the time to reflect on what in my life adds significant stress and how I could better manage my responsibilities to reduce the stress in my life. I would often neglect my personal wellbeing in order to have more time in my day to accomplish the work I had to finish. This program has helped me by providing me a framework for dealing with stresses in my life and being able to take steps in reducing the amount of stress I have through consistent reflection. In addition to dealing with stress, this program has provided valuable information about excelling as a leader, dealing with conflict, and specific tips for dealing with stresses in medical school. I found the discussion around choosing a specialty by thinking about what I value particularly valuable as it is an area that can create significant stress for me at times. Overall, the Docs in Leadership program was a truly valuable experience and one that I would highly recommend for all medical students and residents looking to further develop their leadership qualities. Dr. Ahuja is a terrific physician, educator, and person and I am extremely grateful to have had the chance to experience this program."

- Adrian Kuchtaruk, MD Class  of 2024
Western University

"Dr. Ahuja's Docs in Leadership program is exceptional!

I am currently a second-year medical student. Before starting this program, I was lacking substantial methods to manage my stress. This program along with Dr. Ahuja truly provided me with the tools to navigate challenging situations in my medical school career and personal life. We had the opportunity to learn about Dr. Ahuja's ADMIT framework, which provides a structured approach to any new situation one might be facing as a medical student, resident or fellow. The coaching sessions with Dr. Ahuja and the group really provide you with the time and space to reflect on how to apply these tools to your everyday life. Additionally, receiving valuable feedback really improved my mindset in how to approach stressful situations I will encounter. Dr. Ahuja offers significant guidance by sharing many of the experiences she faced in her medical career, and it is incredibly useful to have a safe space where we can share our worries or concerns. Throughout the curriculum, we delved into the concepts of emotional intelligence and leadership. Personally, this transformed my perspective on how to be a great leader in the workplace and how to stay accountable in order to provide my team with the best resources to achieve success. I have acquired a growth mindset thanks to Dr. Ahuja and her Docs in Leadership program. I believe that every medical student and resident will benefit immensely from the Docs in Leadership program. Do not hesitate to enrol! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions."

- Maya Alik, MD Class of 2024 
McGill University

Dr. Nina Ahuja, BScHons M.D. FRCSC CHE

Surgeon and Award-Winning Medical Educator
Founder/CEO of Docs in Leadership Inc.
Creator/Host of MindfulMed Online Community
Author of Best Selling Book "Stress in Medicine"
CCHL Certified Health Executive
EQi-2.0 Certified Emotional Intelligence Instructor

Expertise and Experience
Dr. Ahuja Brings To You

Academic Leadership

  • National Specialty Certification Examiner, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Active)
  • ​President, Association of Canadian University Professors of Ophthalmology
  • ​Academic Division Head, Ophthalmology, McMaster University
  • Residency Program Director, Ophthalmology, McMaster University

Clinical Leadership

  • ​Member, Board of Directors, St. Joseph's Healthcare Foundation (Active)
  • ​President, Medical Staff Association, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
  • ​Member, Joint Board of Governors, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton 
  • ​Member, Medical Advisory Committee, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

"Motivated, empowered and inspired...

Before I started this program, I was quite skeptical of how much I would truly be able to learn and take away from it. I've completed various leadership programs in the past and while each has taught me something, none have resonated with me the way the DiL ELP has. Unlike other programs, I found that the DiL ELP prepared me to be able to incorporate the lessons we were taught into my daily life. I think that this is largely attributed to the program including different learning modalities, one of my favourites being the bi-weekly coaching sessions. At these sessions we’re privileged to have live coaching sessions guided by Dr. Ahuja who answers our questions and provides immediate feedback on the session’s activity. These sessions have also provided me with the opportunity to learn from other members of the DiL ELP community who never fail to inspire and motivate me.

It has been an honor to be a part of a community of like-minded individuals who want to learn about themselves and ways in which they can improve not only academically but personally. This program has not only improved the way I act as a leader currently, it has equipped me with the skills to be able to continuously grow. I’m excited for my peers and future colleagues to be able to have access to this program to see how helpful it really is."

- Emaan Chaudry, MD Class of 2023
University of Ottawa

"Dr. Ahuja's Docs in Leadership program is exceptional!

I am currently a second-year medical student. Before starting this program, I was lacking substantial methods to manage my stress. This program along with Dr. Ahuja truly provided me with the tools to navigate challenging situations in my medical school career and personal life. We had the opportunity to learn about Dr. Ahuja's ADMIT framework, which provides a structured approach to any new situation one might be facing as a medical student, resident or fellow. The coaching sessions with Dr. Ahuja and the group really provide you with the time and space to reflect on how to apply these tools to your everyday life. Additionally, receiving valuable feedback really improved my mindset in how to approach stressful situations I will encounter. Dr. Ahuja offers significant guidance by sharing many of the experiences she faced in her medical career, and it is incredibly useful to have a safe space where we can share our worries or concerns. Throughout the curriculum, we delved into the concepts of emotional intelligence and leadership. Personally, this transformed my perspective on how to be a great leader in the workplace and how to stay accountable in order to provide my team with the best resources to achieve success. I have acquired a growth mindset thanks to Dr. Ahuja and her Docs in Leadership program. I believe that every medical student and resident will benefit immensely from the Docs in Leadership program. Do not hesitate to enrol! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions."

- Maya Alik, MD Class of 2024 
McGill University

"An empowering journey...

Before I started this program I felt like I did not have a framework for managing my stress. I had not taken the time to reflect on what in my life adds significant stress and how I could better manage my responsibilities to reduce the stress in my life. I would often neglect my personal wellbeing in order to have more time in my day to accomplish the work I had to finish. This program has helped me by providing me a framework for dealing with stresses in my life and being able to take steps in reducing the amount of stress I have through consistent reflection. In addition to dealing with stress, this program has provided valuable information about excelling as a leader, dealing with conflict, and specific tips for dealing with stresses in medical school. I found the discussion around choosing a specialty by thinking about what I value particularly valuable as it is an area that can create significant stress for me at times. Overall, the Docs in Leadership program was a truly valuable experience and one that I would highly recommend for all medical students and residents looking to further develop their leadership qualities. Dr. Ahuja is a terrific physician, educator, and person and I am extremely grateful to have had the chance to experience this program."

- Adrian Kuchtaruk, MD Class  of 2024
Western University

"Dr. Ahuja's Docs in Leadership program is exceptional!

I am currently a second-year medical student. Before starting this program, I was lacking substantial methods to manage my stress. This program along with Dr. Ahuja truly provided me with the tools to navigate challenging situations in my medical school career and personal life. We had the opportunity to learn about Dr. Ahuja's ADMIT framework, which provides a structured approach to any new situation one might be facing as a medical student, resident or fellow. The coaching sessions with Dr. Ahuja and the group really provide you with the time and space to reflect on how to apply these tools to your everyday life. Additionally, receiving valuable feedback really improved my mindset in how to approach stressful situations I will encounter. Dr. Ahuja offers significant guidance by sharing many of the experiences she faced in her medical career, and it is incredibly useful to have a safe space where we can share our worries or concerns. Throughout the curriculum, we delved into the concepts of emotional intelligence and leadership. Personally, this transformed my perspective on how to be a great leader in the workplace and how to stay accountable in order to provide my team with the best resources to achieve success. I have acquired a growth mindset thanks to Dr. Ahuja and her Docs in Leadership program. I believe that every medical student and resident will benefit immensely from the Docs in Leadership program. Do not hesitate to enrol! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions."

- Maya Alik, MD Class of 2024 
McGill University
  • One-of-a-kind program with multimodal learning
  • Specifically designed for med students and residents 
  • Opportunities for national and international networking

"Motivated, empowered and inspired...

Before I started this program, I was quite skeptical of how much I would truly be able to learn and take away from it. I've completed various leadership programs in the past and while each has taught me something, none have resonated with me the way the DiL ELP has. Unlike other programs, I found that the DiL ELP prepared me to be able to incorporate the lessons we were taught into my daily life. I think that this is largely attributed to the program including different learning modalities, one of my favourites being the bi-weekly coaching sessions. At these sessions we’re privileged to have live coaching sessions guided by Dr. Ahuja who answers our questions and provides immediate feedback on the session’s activity. These sessions have also provided me with the opportunity to learn from other members of the DiL ELP community who never fail to inspire and motivate me.

It has been an honor to be a part of a community of like-minded individuals who want to learn about themselves and ways in which they can improve not only academically but personally. This program has not only improved the way I act as a leader currently, it has equipped me with the skills to be able to continuously grow. I’m excited for my peers and future colleagues to be able to have access to this program to see how helpful it really is."

- Emaan Chaudry, MD Class of 2023
University of Ottawa

"A strength-building journey...

This Docs in Leadership program is unique in that it will not only challenge your perceptions about how you problem solve, communicate, and plan for life, but it provides you an opportunity to listen to others' experiences going through the program as well. This program covers all the bases that a young professional needs to navigate the journey through medicine. What was most useful for me was that the program does not seek to provide you with cookie cutter answers to life scenarios, rather it provides you with the tools to apply to your individualized problems. Dr. Ahuja's A.D.M.I.T. framework is a practical and easy to use tool to navigate life stressors and decision making. In a career that has so much uncertainty, the framework, and by extension the Docs in Leadership program, provides a step by step approach to conquering the unknown. Lastly, the group coaching sessions are incredibly valuable. Even as somebody who couldn't attend most of these sessions in real time, the benefit I received from watching the readily available recordings was incredible. It's so rare that we have access to the thoughts and ideas our colleagues have when navigating this career. While our journey in the program is individual, the group coaching sessions give a sense of collaboration and support that is so refreshing. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking to find new ways to approach the difficult decisions, situations, and challenges found in this career. As an added bonus, this program extends beyond the career realm, and also empowers you to learn more about yourself!"

- Iman Lahouaoula, MD Class of 2024
University of British Columbia

Let's Do This !

Visit our website and follow @ninaahujamd on social media for program and community updates!

Copyright 2024 Docs in Leadership Inc., Dr. Nina Ahuja, M.D.  All rights reserved.

Let's do this!

Copyright 2024 Docs in Leadership Inc., 
Dr. Nina Ahuja, M.D.  All rights reserved.